Kiat Bisnis : Relasi dengan Klien
[[ 1457085180 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
5,996 kunjungan
As more wedding vendors emerge over time, sometimes it could get tough for the new ones to acquire new clients amidst the stiff competition. However, do not let the challenges put you down. With the right work ethics, you can certainly set a solid presence in the wedding industry. Read on to learn more!
Kiat Bisnis : Marketing
[[ 1453183020 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
7,214 kunjungan
The wedding scene makes up a big industry that includes many variety of vendors who started out either because of passion or the smell of good money. Regardless of which one is the better driver, truth is you'll be going down a long, challenging road to become a household name among brides-to-be. But first, let's not worry about the long run and think what to do step-by-step. That's why we come up with the Wedding for Beginners series in this blog.