Kiat Bisnis : Relasi dengan Klien
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7,289 kunjungan
Sebagai vendor pernikahan yang memiliki pekerjaan yang beragam, dari membangun kue pernikahan 7 tingkat hingga mengurus sang pengantin di hari pernikahannya, pastinya ada calon pengantin yang masih saja tak puas dengan kerja keras Anda dan meninggalkan review negatif secara daring. Jika tak ditanggulangi, review ini dapat memengaruhi brand image Anda.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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7,782 kunjungan
Kami perkenalkan pada Anda, fitur Bridestory Points! Sebuah program khusus bagi vendor Bridestory di mana Anda dapat memperoleh poin jika melakukan transaksi pembelian produk dan layanan Bridestory, atau dengan menyelesaikan berbagai aktivitas di platform Bridestory. Anda bisa menukar Bridestory Points untuk mendapatkan diskon hingga 100% untuk transaksi Anda! Baca selengkapnya tentang fitur terbaru ini!
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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7,274 kunjungan
Memperkenalkan fitur terbaru kami: Event Listing. Fitur ini memungkinkan para vendor yang profilnya telah dipublikasikan di Bridestory untuk mendaftarkan event pernikahan mereka agar muncul di platform Bridestory.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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8,367 kunjungan
Fitur 'Chat' di Bridestory telah di buat demi memudahkan komunikasi antara vendor dan calon pengantin untuk meminimalisir risiko kehilangan peluang bisnis. Ikuti panduan ini agar Anda dapat memanfaatkan fitur 'Chat' kami untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak peluang bisnis kedepannya!
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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8,681 kunjungan
It has finally come down to the final quarter of 2016. Take a look inside to see the latest insights we had from last year.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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9,325 kunjungan
It's time for another Bridestory Quarterly Statistics, bringing you insights and highlights of the second quarter of the year. Read inside to find out!
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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7,718 kunjungan
We are back with Bridestory Quarterly Statistics 2016 Q1! And this time we are sharing Bridestory's performance for the first quarter of 2016. Read on to see what has been happening in Bridestory!
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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7,133 kunjungan
Good news to all wedding vendors! Since the launch of Bridestory Pro, our vendor app in October last year, we have received a lot of feedbacks from wedding vendors for an even more mobile Bridestory. Today, we want to announce the addition of two new important features to improve your vendor experience.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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7,807 kunjungan
We would like to introduce you to Bridestory Quarterly Statistics, a series published quarterly that summarizes Bridestory's performance as a reflection of the overall behavior of Bridestory users. Read more for the details!