Kiat Bisnis : Relasi dengan Klien
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8,297 kunjungan
Baik fotografer pernikahan profesional dengan banyak pengalaman, maupun mereka yang baru memulai bisnis ini, kesalahan-kesalahan ini dapat terjadi pada siapa saja! Baca lebih lanjut agar Anda tahu apa yang harus Anda hindari sebagai seorang fotografer pernikahan.
Kiat Bisnis : Marketing
[[ 1487664000 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
6,699 kunjungan
Getting published in wedding blogs or magazines is not just about having patience - you also need to be meticulous before submitting your works. Today, we give you six reasons why editors would reject a wedding submission. Read more to find out!
Kiat Bisnis : Relasi dengan Klien
[[ 1479693600 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
7,638 kunjungan
A wedding is made out of many little moments. As a photographer, it is your job to capture every moment be it cheesy, tear-jerking, or romantic. This time around, we have collected important bridal moments you would not want to miss on the job!
Kiat Bisnis : Tip dari Top Vendor
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12k kunjungan
With A-list clients such as Jessica Simpson and Lauren Conrad, celebrity wedding photographer Elizabeth Messina is known for her romantic and ethereal film photographs. Read on as she tells us about her love of wedding photography and why she still shoots with film cameras.
Kiat Bisnis : Branding
[[ 1458616200 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
14k kunjungan
Many wedding blogs accept wedding submissions from the couples or vendors to provide inspirations for future brides-to-be. However, although submitting a wedding has become a trend in the industry, there are still some who are not familiar with the common guidelines. So, read on for the basics of a wedding submission and how to increase your chance of getting featured!