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9,552 kunjungan
Mari kita sambut Pantone Color of The Year 2018, Ultra Violet! Warna ungu yang dramatis namun anggun ini akan menjadi ide warna utama di pernikahan tahun 2018. Simak artikel ini untuk melihat beragam inspirasi pernikahan dengan sentuhan Ultra Violet!
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8,891 kunjungan
Setelah pagelaran New York Fashion Week, Pantone telah merilis Fashion Color Trend Report untuk musim semi 2018. Dengan warna-warna semarak yang ekspresif, kami terinspirasi untuk menciptakan tiga palet warna pernikahan yang cocok untuk klien Anda yang ingin sebuah pernikahan bernuansa tropis. Terus membaca untuk melihatnya!
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7,316 kunjungan
Taking inspiration from Pantone's Fall 2017 Fashion Color Report, we have created three color palettes to create an absolutely breathtaking wedding for your clients. Let's take look!
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[[ 1483495200 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
6,406 kunjungan
It's official, Pantone's Color of The Year for 2017 is 'Greenery'. Therefore, in preparation for more 'green' weddings this year, we have compiled a few wedding ideas inspired by this tangy yellow-green shade that would be suitable for your clients. Take a look inside!
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[[ 1480989600 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
7,656 kunjungan
Pantone, the leading color institution, has released their latest color trend report for Spring 2017! Read inside to see the top 10 spring colors and find four wedding color palettes to help you create new wedding concepts!
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[[ 1448517600 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
8,585 kunjungan
If there's one thing we've learned about wedding or trends, is that they never stray too far from the trending colors in fashion. Pantone has released their color reports for the Spring 2016 trend and we couldn't be more inspired. Presenting our take on the top 10 colors this upcoming season, we have created ten meticulous wedding mood boards that will be an inspiration for both you and your clients.