Sumber Bisnis untuk Wedding Entrepreneur

Kiat Bisnis : Branding

The importance of giving proper credits on Instagram

[[ 1479866400 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll']] | 9,844 kunjungan

One of the most important aspects that you should remember when posting other people's works in your Instagram is to properly credit the original photographers or sources. While many vendors do a good job in giving credits, sadly some still fail to do so. This is a bit disconcerting as posting pictures without the owner's knowledge is especially unethical in this industry that highly values creativity and originality. So, how can you make up for it?

It's not yours, it belongs to someone else
Did you personally take the picture? If not, then it doesn't belong to you and you can't use it as you please. Even if you are in the picture, if it's captured by someone else you still have to inform the owner first before posting it on your account. This is a good gesture to appreciate other vendors for their hard work and besides, the last thing you would want to see is your account being reported an upset fellow vendor.

Say 'hi' to everyone, increase your engagement
Often times, a lot of vendors are involved in one picture because, of course, a wedding doesn't come alive with you only. By crediting the other vendors you're not only building relationship but also opening up a way to increase engagement, gain followers as well as attract more potential clients.

Sometimes there could be confusion whether it is enough to just tag the other vendors in your post to avoid a lengthy caption. However, do know that tags could overlap each other making it difficult to click on therefore, the best practice is still to tag other vendors and mention them in your caption. You can take a look at an example from @thebridestory:

Source: @thebridestory Instagram account

Every detail matters
A wedding is made up of many little details done by different vendors. When you are posting a picture, it is good to credit all vendors whose works are in it. Ask yourself simple questions such as is there a cake in the picture, who decorated the venue, can you spot the emcee and entertainers, who did the centerpieces, place cards, and table setting, who created the hand bouquet and boutonnieres, etc.

You also need to credit when reposting pictures from another vendor's Instagram account. As simple as including a short note like "picture via @123photo" or "repost from @janedoeflower" is enough to thank the original owners and prevent any hard feelings.

Other than reaching more audience, the simple act of crediting enables even vendor who have never worked with you to know of your existence. This creates opportunities for future collaborations in styled shoots, contests and giveaways, as well as real weddings. Never underestimate the power of giving credits!

So, how do you credit other wedding vendors in your Instagram posts? Have you had any heartfelt moment after giving credits? Leave you comment below!

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