Kiat Bisnis : Branding
[[ 1639454400 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
8,171 kunjungan
Dalam sebuah bisnis, terutama pada industri pernikahan, memberikan kredit kepada karya atau produk adalah sesuatu yang penting. Bagaimana jika ada pihak lain yang tidak memberi akreditasi dengan sesuai? Simak tips berikut
Kiat Bisnis : Marketing
[[ 1487664000 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
6,622 kunjungan
Getting published in wedding blogs or magazines is not just about having patience - you also need to be meticulous before submitting your works. Today, we give you six reasons why editors would reject a wedding submission. Read more to find out!
Kiat Bisnis : Branding
[[ 1458616200 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
14k kunjungan
Many wedding blogs accept wedding submissions from the couples or vendors to provide inspirations for future brides-to-be. However, although submitting a wedding has become a trend in the industry, there are still some who are not familiar with the common guidelines. So, read on for the basics of a wedding submission and how to increase your chance of getting featured!