Kiat Bisnis : Marketing
[[ 1530756000 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
4,175 kunjungan
Ada banyak cara memasarkan bisnis Anda. Blogging mungkin bukan cara yang paling mudah, namun ada bebrapa alasan mengapa membuat blog bisa menguntungkan bagi bisnis Anda. Simak artikel ini untuk melihatnya!
Kiat Bisnis : Branding
[[ 1447048920 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
8,059 kunjungan
As technology advances, online presence has been receiving more and more importance as people shift from traditional print media to their PC, laptop, and mobile phones. As a wedding vendor, having an online presence distinguish you from other vendors as you're likely labelled as modern, 'happening', and approachable. Most importantly, a strong online presence makes you more easily discovered by a greater number of brides-to-be.
Kiat Bisnis : Marketing
[[ 1447048860 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
8,587 kunjungan
For the past few years, social media marketing has been gaining popularity and become an 'it' thing that everybody seems to feel the urgency to create an account in various social media platforms. It is understandable because, if executed properly, social media marketing can become a powerful tool that enables you to increase brand awareness, interact with target market, create leads, achieve the bookings that you want and earn good words-of-mouth afterwards.