Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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7,875 kunjungan
Kita telah tiba di penghujung tahun 2017 dan kini adalah saatnya untuk melihat Bridestory Quarterly Statistics kuartal ketiga tahun ini. Baca lebih lanjut untuk melihat highlights dari kuartal lalu.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
[[ 1502848800 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
7,119 kunjungan
Waktu berjalan sangat cepat dan kita telah memasuki paruh kedua tahun 2017! Mari lihat informasi terbaru dari kuartal kedua tahun ini, mulai dari bulan April hingga Juni.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
[[ 1502334480 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
7,192 kunjungan
Memperkenalkan fitur terbaru kami: Event Listing. Fitur ini memungkinkan para vendor yang profilnya telah dipublikasikan di Bridestory untuk mendaftarkan event pernikahan mereka agar muncul di platform Bridestory.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
[[ 1501131600 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
8,220 kunjungan
Fitur 'Chat' di Bridestory telah di buat demi memudahkan komunikasi antara vendor dan calon pengantin untuk meminimalisir risiko kehilangan peluang bisnis. Ikuti panduan ini agar Anda dapat memanfaatkan fitur 'Chat' kami untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak peluang bisnis kedepannya!
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
[[ 1495083600 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
6,987 kunjungan
In case you did not realize, we have just passed the first quarter of 2017! Read inside all brand new information from the first three months of this year.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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7,348 kunjungan
Bridestory Magazine is back this year with new wedding trends to inspire brides-to-be and wedding vendors alike. Read more for a closer look into the latest edition!
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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11k kunjungan
We're happy to share with you our very first Philippines Wedding Trends Report for the year 2017! Take a look inside for insights and facts from couples in the country to help you create more beautiful weddings this year.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
[[ 1487049900 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
9,851 kunjungan
We are thrilled to share our first ever Singapore Wedding Trend Report for the year 2017! Find inside valuable information to help you create the ultimate dream wedding this year.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
[[ 1484186400 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
8,611 kunjungan
It has finally come down to the final quarter of 2016. Take a look inside to see the latest insights we had from last year.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
[[ 1481605500 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]]
5,631 kunjungan
Thank you for supporting Bridestory throughout 2016. Before the year ends, we would like to share some great news with all of you.