Kiat Bisnis : Relasi dengan Klien
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6,181 kunjungan
Memilih vendor pernikahan bukanlah hal yang mudah dan perlu pertimbangan yang matang. Salah satu yang memengaruhi klien untuk memilih vendor adalah ulasan dari para klien sebelumnya.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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8,217 kunjungan
Fitur 'Chat' di Bridestory telah di buat demi memudahkan komunikasi antara vendor dan calon pengantin untuk meminimalisir risiko kehilangan peluang bisnis. Ikuti panduan ini agar Anda dapat memanfaatkan fitur 'Chat' kami untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak peluang bisnis kedepannya!
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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5,878 kunjungan
A beautiful wedding isn't done by a single vendor - it's the result of hard work done together by multiple driven and passionate professionals. Often times, pictures of your creations exhibited on the wedding day itself are scattered. That's why, Bridestory comes with Vendor Tagging, a solution to help you collect yourself.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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8,156 kunjungan
As a vendor in Bridestory, you may notice a section in your profile regarding price list that can be edited from your vendor dashboard. Yes, we ask you to include your pricing and a brief explanation of services included in the package to better pre-qualify the inquiries you receive. At Bridestory, we want to help you connect with more qualifying potential clients who visit our site. The more information becomes available about your services, the easier it gets for them to answer their own questions.