Sumber Bisnis untuk Wedding Entrepreneur

Kiat Bisnis : Branding

7 ways to spend a productive off-season for wedding vendors

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While some wedding vendors who enjoys winter may have started their wedding off-season, wedding vendors especially in Southeast Asia like Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines are approaching the period where business have started to slow downs. There are many ways vendors can get productive during the slow period, read more inside to find out!

Kiat Bisnis : Branding

Panduan untuk Memperbarui Pembuatan Konten di Instagram

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Bukankah kita menggunakan Instagram sebagai marketing tool untuk mempromosikan bisnis kita? Bisnis skala kecil termasuk vendor pernikahan juga menggunakan Instagram untuk mengiklankan produk, layanan, dan brand bisnis mereka. Tapi, bagaimana Anda melakukannya? Baca selengkapnya untuk melihat bagaimana Anda melakukan branding dan memperbarui konten untuk bisnis Anda melalui aplikasi Instagram.

Kiat Bisnis : Branding

7 Tips Untuk Menjaga Hubungan yang Baik dengan Klien

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Berdasarkan hasil dari survey Bridestory terkait tren pernikahan di tahun 2017, kami menemukan bahwa banyak pengantin yang merasa kecewa karena kurangnya koordinasi dengan vendor pilihan mereka. Melihat permasalahan ini, kami ingin memberikan beberapa tips untuk menjaga komunikasi dengan klien-klien Anda.

Kiat Bisnis : Branding

All about wedding submission & how to be featured

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Many wedding blogs accept wedding submissions from the couples or vendors to provide inspirations for future brides-to-be. However, although submitting a wedding has become a trend in the industry, there are still some who are not familiar with the common guidelines. So, read on for the basics of a wedding submission and how to increase your chance of getting featured!

Kiat Bisnis : Branding

Tips to increase your online presence today

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As technology advances, online presence has been receiving more and more importance as people shift from traditional print media to their PC, laptop, and mobile phones. As a wedding vendor, having an online presence distinguish you from other vendors as you're likely labelled as modern, 'happening', and approachable. Most importantly, a strong online presence makes you more easily discovered by a greater number of brides-to-be.