Sumber Bisnis untuk Wedding Entrepreneur

Kiat Bisnis : Relasi dengan Klien

10 Karakter Klien yang Sulit dan Cara Menghadapinya

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Dalam industri pernikahan, entah Anda menawarkan produk atau jasa, menemui klien yang sulit adalah sesuatu akan terjadi. Dalam situasi sulit sekalipun, sebagai vendor terpilih Anda harus mempertahankan hubungan sehingga kepercayaan klien terhadap Anda tetap terjalin. Baca artikel berikut ini untuk melihat 10 jenis karakter klien dan cara menghadapinya.

Kiat Bisnis : Branding

7 ways to spend a productive off-season for wedding vendors

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While some wedding vendors who enjoys winter may have started their wedding off-season, wedding vendors especially in Southeast Asia like Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines are approaching the period where business have started to slow downs. There are many ways vendors can get productive during the slow period, read more inside to find out!

Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports

2017 Indonesia Wedding Industry Report by Bridestory

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By the end of last year, we conducted a survey amongst Indonesian couples about their wedding. From whether they choose an auspicious date, how do they pick their wedding vendors to questions about their budgeting, we've compiled all their answers and bring you our 2017 Indonesia Wedding Industry Report! Find inside a comprehensive statistics and facts about Indonesia's Wedding Industry which can be helpful for your business, let's take a look.