5 tips to arrange a home wedding for your clients
[[ 1478833200 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll']] | 4,969 viewsA wedding at home might seem tricky to pull off but it's full of perks and uniqueness for those who prefer an intimate yet flexible celebration. While some may think it is simple to prepare a home wedding celebration, we beg to differ - a wedding at home could pose serious challenges if organized without considering more 'minor' details. Here are the most important points you need to assure before transforming your client's home-sweet-home into an unforgettable wedding venue.
1. Consider the house spacing
Unlike hotels with grand ballrooms, most houses can't fit too many people all at once. As a wedding planner, you can advise your client to restrict the head count so guests too can enjoy their time without feeling suffocated. Think about whether there is a spacious garden or a backyard to accommodate everything including the couple, family, guests, entertainers, banquet, decoration, and dance floor should there be one. As a rough count, 1,500-square-feet house is ideal for approximately 30 people.
2. Make sure of the local regulation
Before planning anything, make sure your clients have notified the neighbours about their home wedding celebration. While the neighbours share the happiness, it doesn't mean they would instantly agree to being bothered by impending noise. Also, bear in mind that some neighbourhoods simply don't allow any type of house party so make sure you clients have done their research of local regulations beforehand.
3. Have a checklist on rental stuffs
Depending on the wedding theme, you may need to rent a lot of stuff such as silverware, tables, chairs, decorations, and much more. Built a checklist to know how many you really need because there is not much space to store the extra rentals at your client's home. So it's best to advise your client's wedding guests to RSVP so you know how many tables and chairs you need to put, without wasting any necessary space.
4. Ensure the house's electricity power
Another thing you have to double check is the electricity power. Having an at-home party, all the air-conditioners and lights at home will be used up, so it's best to check the voltage output in case any high voltage appliance like the air cooler wouldn't cause power outage. However, as a precaution, advise your client to rent an electric generator to avoid chances of power outage.
5. Plan for weather emergencies
Whenever your client decide on planning to have their wedding in a garden or backyard, always remember to prepare for the weather. To prevent unwanted scenarios, simply rent a good and sturdy tent so it won't get easily affected by heavy wind and storm.
Have you ever planned a home wedding? Are there any more preparations for a home celebration you can think of? Share your tips to us below!
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