Business Tips : Marketing
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If you haven't realized, Facebook has recently shared that they have created a new algorithm for their News Feed. This, as many sources say, has became a challenge for many business account owners. Moreover, Instagram, who is under Facebook, has seemingly changed its algorithm too. Read this article to know what this means for wedding vendors!
Business Tips : Marketing
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Memiliki berbagai fitur yang mendukung bisnis adalah salah satu daya tarik Instagram yang utama, terutama dengan adanya Instagram Ads. Lalu, bagaimana cara promosi di Instagram? Apa saja fitur yang dapat memaksimalkan cara iklan di instagram? Simak pembahasannya di artikel berikut ini.
Business Tips : Marketing
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Are you unfamiliar with the Instagram Stories or trying to generate more engagements to your uploaded activity? Read more for some of the dos and don'ts in optimizing Instagram Stories for your business!
Business Tips : Branding
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Don't we all use Instagram as a marketing tool to promote ourselves? Small businesses including wedding vendors are using Instagram as a means to advertise their products and services, and also brand their business. But how do you do that? Read inside to see how can you brand your business with Instagram and also upgrade your contents.
Business Tips : Branding
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While many vendors do a good job in crediting their pictures properly on Instagram, sadly some fail to do so. In this article, we're going to share the importance of crediting pictures on Instagram and how to do it properly.
Business Tips : Marketing
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Instagram just got a lot more interesting with the launch of its new feature, Instagram Stories. Although many says it is a lot similar to its rival Snapchat, in here we have gathered why stories should be a wedding vendor's new best friend.
Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports
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Recently, the performance of our Instagram ads is covered as a case study on Instagram Business home. Now, we want you to know how you too can grow your wedding business through this powerful social media platform!
Business Tips : Marketing
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Hashtagging is the currently beloved habit to identify a social media post with a community. There is the #ootd community, the #flatlay enthusiasts and the #weddingdream - ers among many. However, the use of hashtag is more than just to build a community - it also extends to targeting a potential business market especially for wedding vendors.
Business Tips : Marketing
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"Excuse me, but do you have Instagram?" How often have you heard that question? These days, everyone seems to care about your Instagram pictures first and everything else second. Sometimes, it may feel like your business depends on the attractiveness of your Instagram profile. Why does Instagram matter so much?