“The Business Resource For Wedding Entrepreneurs”

Business Tips : Client Relations

Does the millennial generation shape the wedding industry today?

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We've finally entered the era where the millennials rule, literally speaking. How does it concern the wedding industry? Well, there's a lot, from your business model, products, services to marketing methods, it all has to stand out among the millennials. In this article, we're deconstructing the origins of the millennials, their characteristics and how wedding vendors can attract them to their businesses. Hop inside!

Business Tips : Client Relations

3 Ways to Exceed Your Client's Expectations

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Expectations, expectations. Everyone has it, many say don't expect too much for something you pay less. It has become a standard norm. In wedding industry, most of the time vendors are burdened and pressured with expectations from their clients, even unrealistic ones. You can always try to exceed their expectations, though. Question is, how do you do that? Read inside to find out!

Business Tips : Client Relations

5 Tips to Manage Your Clients Expectations

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We all have expectations, don't we? In the wedding industry, clients definitely have high hopes for the products or services vendors offer them. Hence, by managing their expectations beforehand, you're able to establish not only a good relationship with your clients but also reputation amongst potential clients. Read this article to learn 5 tips to managing clients expectations!