6 Essential Things to Include in Your Portfolio
[[ 1571623200 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll']] | 4,793 viewsWhether you're in wedding photography, wedding organizer, venue, wedding entertaining or catering, your business portfolio is one of your most important assets. This is because your business portfolio tells clients what your company is about. It should showcase everything that your business is made of, including its abilities, products or services, and benefits you offer. As you build your portfolio, you are also building your credibility. Therefore, it should be persuasive enough to get clients to work with you. Let's discuss some of the elements that can help you build a comprehensive business portfolio.
1. Company Profile
The first thing to be included in your portfolio is an introduction to your company. It should discuss how your business began, a detailed yet brief description of what your business does, the founders of the business, where you are located, as well as objectives and visions. A company profile usually doesn't take more than one page. However, it should be enough for your potential clients to familiarize themselves with your business.
2. Products and/or Services
This part of your portfolio is very important, as it is what you're selling to potential clients. Make sure that you provide a detailed description of every single product or service that you offer. If you're selling wedding packages, add detailed information about what they include. Don't forget to include images of your products or services to better explain what you are selling. It is highly recommended for you to hire a professional photographer to make your products or services appeal more.
3. Testimonials
To build your credibility, your potential client will need to see what past clients have said about you. It's the same as looking for a movie review before watching it at the cinema. Always get feedback from past and current satisfied clients or business associates and include them in your portfolio. Avoid screenshots of instant messages. Instead, ask your past clients if you can quote them instead.
4. Accomplishments
Anything that your business considers an achievement should be included in your portfolio. For example, if you were one of the vendors at a particular public figure's wedding, or if you have received an award when participating at a wedding exhibition. Attach supporting documents or photos so that your accomplishments are credible.
5. Staff and Their Background
Potential clients will feel much more at ease if they know that they are working with professionals. You can introduce your staff to them to ensure that you are working with the best team. For instance, if you're a wedding caterer, let them know who the cooks are and what they've done before working for your company. If you're a wedding attire tailor, let them know where you studied fashion design. These are just additional credibility that might elevate your business' portfolio.
6. Contact Information
Your portfolio won't be complete without detailed contact information. It should include a full name, an email address, a phone number, and a studio or store location if there are any. Don't forget to include the available work times when clients can reach out to you so that they won't feel offended if you don't respond to them on a weekend.
These elements will surely make the perfect business portfolio. However, you should also adjust it to your business and what you are selling. If you are just starting out, maybe you only have few projects, or you don't have accomplishments yet. A brief portfolio is not a problem because you can always update it anytime.
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