7 Common Mistakes Every Wedding Photographers Should Avoid
[[ 1534816800 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll']] | 8,282 viewsWedding photography may seem like a job anyone with the talent can handle, but being a good photographer is not the same as being a professional one. That's why it's important to take note of some common mistakes that could happen to anyone, that shouldn't happen to a professional like you!
1. Not exporting files right away
Photographers usually reuse their memory cards after reformatting them. Therefore, it's important to make sure that the memory cards are always ready to be reformatted. Rather than risking getting the cards mixed up and reformatting the wrong ones, it's always safer to export the files to two or more hard disks right after the event is finished.
2. Not keeping in touch with the client
Don't rely on the clients to start conversation! The clients most likely have to deal with various wedding vendors at once, so they could be too occupied to remember to check on you. Which is why, you should be the one to contact the for necessary confirmations, especially after the first meeting and before the wedding for final remarks. This way, you're doing them a favour and have a bigger chance to close a deal with potential clients.
3. Not bringing up additional fees
It's normal to only disclose the main fee in advertisements or pricelist, but if you don't do so during meetings, that's simply rude. Never surprise the clients with additional fees like taxes, editing fees, traveling and accommodation fees or overtime costs! Weddings are very expensive and if you send them an invoice with fees they didn't know they have to pay for, you would only ruin their day and give a bad impression.
4. Not knowing who's in charge when the couples are occupied
On the wedding day, you might have questions whether that'd be about where to get the food or about payment. However, you certainly can't walk up to the stage and talk to the bride and groom about it! So, when you have the time to talk to them, ask them who are the go-to people for things like such. It could be an assigned family member or the wedding planner.
5. Not making sure the clients are comfortable
Some clients are camera shy, but that doesn't mean they'll let it show in the pictures. It's your job as a photographer to notice that. The clients aren't just objects of your pictures, so you have to acknowledge your client strength and weaknesses and make sure you let them know that you want to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Help them with the angles and poses to make sure they look the best in your frames.
6. Trying on new equipment during a session
Trying to improve your performance by adding new gears for your business is good, except when you try it on during a session with clients. Trying new gears means that you will get results that are different to your previous work. Whether that be better or worse, it's unfair for a client to pay for pictures they didn't expect to get. Besides, it's unprofessional to be focusing on your new equipment instead of the clients. So, try your new gears on a session with models or friends, showcase the results in your social media and make sure the clients get to see first what they'll get.
7. Being too generous
When the session is over, it's over. Otherwise you'll have to charge them for overtime. It may seem cruel, but there's always a way to politely tell them that the session has ended. Photography is a difficult profession that also costs a lot. It's important to be mindful of yourself and not let people overuse your service.
If you have made some of these mistakes, don't be discouraged, they could happen to anyone. But now that you've read this, we hope your business can run smoother with these notes to remember!
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