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Business Tips : Marketing

8 Reasons Why Your Wedding Business Needs a Website

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You have probably satisfied with your business' marketing performance on social media. However, did you realize that a website owns several features that social media don't? Here are eight reasons why you should have a website for your wedding business.

Exposure on search engine
Can you imagine that it is such a pity when prospective clients wish to know more about your business, but they have no idea what is your business' social media username? Searching for a social media account on a search engine is a challenge since the results are not always directly related to the input keywords. However, if you already have a domain, your URL address is automatically visible on the search engine (e.g. Google) when someone types your business' name as keywords.

Various features and functions
A website is equipped with a number of features that social media don't. For example, you can create several pages on your site with different functions, starting from the introduction page, about your business page, to portfolio page. It eases visitors to navigate and find the information they are looking for.

Great display for your portfolio
Depending on the capacity of the server, you can display your service and product's portfolio as many as you can. Moreover, you can divide them into several categories, or service/product types and texts can be added anytime you want.

Extensive texts
Did you know that uploading an asset which has more texts than a visual on Instagram, is ineffective to attract likes and comments? You won't meet this challenge on a website. When you need to expose more texts to make sure the message is well-transferred, many website features can do that. You can also choose the font type and colors.

Professional and credible
Owning a business site is like having a digital company profile. Prospective clients will be able to comprehend your business focus and to make a consideration whether your works fit what they are looking for. In other words, your business site will be a first impression to attract them to contact you further.

Branding image
The site's visual represents what business image you wish to be known. Through texts and visuals, you can describe your business excellence and what clients can expect. The website design, including colors, fonts, and visual assets, should relate with your business' identity to attract the targeted client profiles.

Easy and affordable
These days there are a lot of websites that offer free domain (with limited time), including template options for your site's appearance, such as WordPress and Squarespace. However, when you wish to design a site that matches your visions, it is better to look for an independent service that provides domain and hosting. Many of them offer competitive prices or special price for a start-up.

Make your own policy
Your social media accounts are not entirely yours. They are owned by other commercial parties. Therefore, the policies keep changing. Take an example, Facebook has been changing its Feed algorithm several times. One of the impacts was the decreasing exposure for Facebook Page accounts. Different from that, the domain and the hosting you have purchased are 100% owned by yourself. You can change and arrange its appearance and contents.

Interested in having your own business site? For the first step, you'd better register for a free domain. Study the standard features from there. Then, you can prepare a special budget to develop your website with sophisticated features to make the brides and grooms-to-be more attracted to your services/products.

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