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Bridestory Platform Insider : Features & Reports

Bridestory Quarterly Statistics: April - June 2019

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Year-end is getting closer. Let's evaluate our performance on the second quarter to prepare for a better ammunition in the next quarter.

Visitors' Numbers Keep Rising
Compared to the previous quarter, between April and June, our site's visitors had been increasing by around 10%. So did the visiting countries statistic. More people from Indonesia and Singapore were browsing our site. Other countries outside Asia, such as Australian and The US, were also recorded as our online visitors.

Vendor's Competition is Looking Good
As it was months before Bridestory Market 2019, the second quarter had given us a significant number of leads. From April to June, the recorded leads were 16 Trial, 176 Silver, and 228 Gold. Moreover, some of the business leads also leveled up, such as view/ask price list, send a message, view Instagram, and view website.

Visual is Everything
We received a satisfying rise for our Instagram followers, in particular, @thebridestory and @thebridebestfriend. It seems that more people look for visual references through social media. As for the most searched colors, red and black are still on the top. Unexpectedly, white, as the contrasting color, came as one of the most popular shades. This trend was caused by either couples are going back to the classic color again, or they love to see a contrast on their wedding day.

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