Rebranding: Should you do it, should you not?
[[ 1684112400 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll']] | 9,660 viewsWe're pretty sure that at least 70% of you know some brands that has changed their logo, outlook, or simply shift from their initial branding. Rebranding is a term often heard, but the fact remains that not many businesses can actually pull it off. Do wedding vendors rebrand? Yes, they do! Many of those who've long been in the industry have decided to rebrand to keep their brand updated.
So right here, we are about to uncover matters circling rebranding - why businesses do it, the considerations and how can you rebrand.
Why rebrand?
So why does a business decide to rebrand? Perhaps a photographer finally found his perfect and that he or she is focusing on a new photography direction. Or maybe, the competition becomes too tight and encourages them to be different and evolve. While there are plenty of reasons why businesses decide to rebrand, here are the three main reasons why they do so:
- Your audience are changing
There will be a time when you feel that the audience have changed, their tastes and preferences have evolved with the shifting trends. Surely, we all understand how the wedding industry changes with season, influenced by the fashion industry and pop-culture. Hence, a good reason why businesses consider rebranding.
- You are changing
We believe that as you grow with the business, your work and goal has changed, spurred by trend cycle. Thus, you're aiming to deliver new experiences and considerably a new look because you've transformed since the first time you started. It's like updating or refreshing your image and brand to give a 'fresh face' to your customers.
- Competition
Finally, competition - it never ends. With more and more businesses offering similar or even the same products or services as you, you're sort of forced to evolve and change. We're not saying you need to change everything. However, you're rebranding to show your uniqueness, highlighting a signature distinction from others.
What are the considerations?
Besides the three reasons why most businesses rebrand, there are still considerations to think over before you decide to take this step. It can be a tedious process, consuming your time, money and a lot of effort, hence it's best to think twice and and consider the long term effect.
- Don't fix something that isn't broken
If there is nothing to be fixed, then let it be. If you try to rebrand your business when it is utterly loved by your clients, no complaints or business activity decline, we suggest against it. For instance, your photography business is thriving and you want to rebrand to keep it doing well. Is it a good enough reason to rebrand? Make sure that there's a goal to achieve with a rebranding process. It will enable you to give purpose to your business and that will be well-received by your clients.
- Be Decisive Branding isn't something you can do often. Thus, for the better of your business, deciding on the rebranding you're going to do is very important. You don't want to go halfway through branding because it will impact your business negatively. Hence, you need to decide whether a new name or a new logo will do or if you need to change the whole branding of the business. Consider whether it's the ultimate best choice for the business to avoid faltering midway resulting in an unsuccessful rebranding.
How to rebrand?
There's no exact or proper steps to rebranding for a business, because there are various rebranding approaches depending on the alterations the business opts for. However, with whichever rebranding option you're executing, there are a few principles you have to adhere to.
- Consistent brand experience
This point is indeed crucial. It is best to keep in mind that your brand experience has to be consistent or make it even better! Why so? This is so that your clients who went through your rebranding phase wouldn't feel stunned to see the changes your business is going through and that the experience they're getting is efficiently translated with the new rebranding.
- A fresh direction
If a new outlook is what your rebranding is all about, ensure that it will freshen up your brand. For instance, you're changing the logo of your wedding business, make sure it's well-thought of and that once clients see your logo it truly represents your brand and its personality.
- Reorganize business structure or process
Take your rebranding journey as a chance to rebuild your business structure. Though we know most wedding businesses are SMEs (small medium enterprise), you can do an internal check up on your business - the titles and positions, whether you need an extra hand, or if you're a team of two people running a wedding planning service, perhaps a new office? You can also evaluate your current process and see whether you need a tool for client enquiry or make your clients feel special by sending a thank you gift after your project is over for instance.
- Be communicative
When you're done with reconstructing your brand, it's time to spread the word! Tell your clients, send them an email, blast it on your social media and inform your fellow wedding vendors too! Send them a small gift which includes your new business card or a leaflet, a heartfelt letter and a little token of appreciation. This way your vendors will be alert and feel acknowledged through your sincere gesture.
Rebranding isn't something you can do hastily, it takes a lot of brainstorming and sometimes dilemma to predict how your business will do after rebranding. Will it work, will it not? Well, it depends on how much effort you put into this new brand building.
So, should you rebrand or not?
The final verdict is on your hands. We're not saying everyone should rebrand. If you're content with how your business is going and everyone loves what you're doing, then why should you? On the other hand, for some businesses rebranding is a fresh start to upgrade and update your business. However, if you think your business is doing just fine, then refer to the considerations mentioned above, 'don't fix something that isn't broken'.
All in all, there's nothing wrong in considering to rebrand your wedding business, if you think it's time to refresh your wedding business with something better to offer your clients, it's a go! Have you rebranded before or considering it now? Share your experience on the comment box below!
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