Sumber Bisnis untuk Wedding Entrepreneur

Kiat Bisnis : Marketing

101 Pameran Pernikahan: Pertimbangan & 5 Tip untuk Mewujudkannya dengan Maksimal

[[ 1513634400 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]] | 6,874 kunjungan

Pameran pernikahan adalah salah satu kesempatan yang menarik bagi para vendor pernikahan, apalagi yang baru saja memasuki bisnis industri pernikahan. Vendor dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan klien dan menawarkan produk dan jasa. Para pengunjung pun dapat lebih jelas melihat barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan secara langsung. Simak artikel ini dan pelajari pertimbangan apa saja yang harus diperhatikan sebelum bergabung di pameran pernikahan, dan 5 tip untuk mewujudkannya secara maksimal.

Kiat Bisnis : Marketing

4 Tip Untuk Mendapatkan Referensi Dari Sesama Vendor

[[ 1506981600 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]] | 7,717 kunjungan

Referensi, apa hal itu masih ada? Walau terdengar konvensional, memberi dan menerima referensi ternyata masih berlaku di dalam industri wedding tanpa Anda sadari. Kali ini, kami akan berbagi 4 tips untuk mendapatkan referensi, tidak hanya dari klien namun dari sesama vendor. Mari kita lihat!

Kiat Bisnis : Marketing

6 steps to help you win more leads in a wedding fair!

[[ 1457060400 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]] | 7,901 kunjungan

Wedding exhibition is the time for vendors to showcase their portfolio to newly engaged couples looking for the right wedding vendors. There will be a lot participants and that means your potential clients can browse every wedding vendor in the market, all at once. Preparing yourself for this big event can be stressful as you'd want your business to attract as many couples as possible. In here, we share some guides to help you win the day!

Kiat Bisnis : Marketing

Wedding for Beginners: 6 things to help new vendors book the first leads

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The wedding scene makes up a big industry that includes many variety of vendors who started out either because of passion or the smell of good money. Regardless of which one is the better driver, truth is you'll be going down a long, challenging road to become a household name among brides-to-be. But first, let's not worry about the long run and think what to do step-by-step. That's why we come up with the Wedding for Beginners series in this blog.

Kiat Bisnis : Marketing

Rise of #weddinghashtag and its importance for vendors

[[ 1447999140 * 1000 | amDateFormat: 'll' ]] | 8,586 kunjungan

Hashtagging is the currently beloved habit to identify a social media post with a community. There is the #ootd community, the #flatlay enthusiasts and the #weddingdream - ers among many. However, the use of hashtag is more than just to build a community - it also extends to targeting a potential business market especially for wedding vendors.