“The Business Resource For Wedding Entrepreneurs”

Business Tips : Client Relations

Increase reliability by collecting reviews of you

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When was the last time you booked a hotel for vacation? Did you check the review section beforehand? Most likely, the answer is yes. You want to read others' experiences before deciding where you would be staying. The same goes for all brides-to-be - they want to know the reasons before choosing the vendors for their wedding days. Therefore, your potential clients rely on reviews of you to choose you.

Business Tips : Client Relations

Apa Yang Harus Anda Lakukan Ketika Mendapat Review Negatif dari Klien?

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Sebagai vendor pernikahan yang memiliki pekerjaan yang beragam, dari membangun kue pernikahan 7 tingkat hingga mengurus sang pengantin di hari pernikahannya, pastinya ada calon pengantin yang masih saja tak puas dengan kerja keras Anda dan meninggalkan review negatif secara daring. Jika tak ditanggulangi, review ini dapat memengaruhi brand image Anda.