Business Tips : Marketing
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The wedding scene makes up a big industry that includes many variety of vendors who started out either because of passion or the smell of good money. Regardless of which one is the better driver, truth is you'll be going down a long, challenging road to become a household name among brides-to-be. But first, let's not worry about the long run and think what to do step-by-step. That's why we come up with the Wedding for Beginners series in this blog.
Business Tips : Marketing
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Hashtagging is the currently beloved habit to identify a social media post with a community. There is the #ootd community, the #flatlay enthusiasts and the #weddingdream - ers among many. However, the use of hashtag is more than just to build a community - it also extends to targeting a potential business market especially for wedding vendors.
Business Tips : Marketing
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For the past few years, social media marketing has been gaining popularity and become an 'it' thing that everybody seems to feel the urgency to create an account in various social media platforms. It is understandable because, if executed properly, social media marketing can become a powerful tool that enables you to increase brand awareness, interact with target market, create leads, achieve the bookings that you want and earn good words-of-mouth afterwards.
Business Tips : Marketing
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"Excuse me, but do you have Instagram?" How often have you heard that question? These days, everyone seems to care about your Instagram pictures first and everything else second. Sometimes, it may feel like your business depends on the attractiveness of your Instagram profile. Why does Instagram matter so much?