Business Tips : Marketing
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There are many ways to market your business. Blogging may not seem like the easiest way to do it, but there are reasons why blogging is actually beneficial to market and maintain your business. Read on to see them!
Business Tips : Marketing
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Managing finances and profit is an essential part to any business, wedding entrepreneurs included. In establishing your path and growth in this industry, take a look at some of the most common financial mistakes an entrepreneur makes to help you better expand your business and be profitable.
Business Tips : Marketing
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Celebrity endorsements have been known to work wonders for a brand's reputation and exposure. While this move can be an effective marketing strategy, there are some things you need to consider before going for it. This article will tell you all about it, so read on!
Business Tips : Marketing
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Wedding fairs, exhibitions or expos, you name it - is an opportunity for vendors to meet their potential clients, engage with them face-to-face and get bookings on-the-spot. In this article, find out the considerations before joining a wedding fair and 6 tips to making the most out of it.
Business Tips : Marketing
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Referrals, are they still such a thing? Although traditional, giving and receiving referrals are still happening around the wedding industry without you realising it. This time around, we are sharing you 4 tips to get more referrals, not from your clients but from fellow vendors. Let's take a look!
Business Tips : Marketing
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Allocating a budget for marketing activity is always a tricky task for any businesses. Today, we are giving a breakdown on how much money to spend and what you can do with it to scale your business.
Business Tips : Marketing
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Getting published in wedding blogs or magazines is not just about having patience - you also need to be meticulous before submitting your works. Today, we give you six reasons why editors would reject a wedding submission. Read more to find out!
Business Tips : Marketing
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As a new year comes, it is common for wedding vendors to set up a new pricelist. Here, we have created a guide on how you can price your products and services well to attract more potential clients this year!
Business Tips : Marketing
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Instagram just got a lot more interesting with the launch of its new feature, Instagram Stories. Although many says it is a lot similar to its rival Snapchat, in here we have gathered why stories should be a wedding vendor's new best friend.
Business Tips : Marketing
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Wedding exhibition is the time for vendors to showcase their portfolio to newly engaged couples looking for the right wedding vendors. There will be a lot participants and that means your potential clients can browse every wedding vendor in the market, all at once. Preparing yourself for this big event can be stressful as you'd want your business to attract as many couples as possible. In here, we share some guides to help you win the day!